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My name is Jude Eyamba and I’m a sophomore majoring in BCN. I was born in Nigeria, Africa but I’ve been in Grand Rapids, Michigan for almost 13 years now.

I started writing at around 9th grade but before that I was an avid reader. I read everything and anything that I could get my hands on. My inspiration for writing began when I read the “Book Thief” by Mark Zusak in high school and felt captivated by the way he structured his book and the meaning behind his book. I started writing poetry and soon wanted to learn how to write in other styles of writing but my high school, just like many other high schools, only focused on the five paragraph essays that were quite boring. Coming to U of M and learning about the Minor In Writing (MIW) sparked my interest because I knew that MIW would be able to introduce me to the different styles of writing that I wanted to be involved in.

In my portfolio you’ll get to see a lot of my work during my journey in the MIW and I hope you find it interesting. 

About Jude Eyamba


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